Civil war websites for elementary students
Civil war websites for elementary students

civil war websites for elementary students

The Home Front: Traditional Elementary Civil War Lesson Plan: Students will be able to list examples of work done on the home front and describe how news traveled to the home front. The Essential Civil War Curriculum is a sesquicentennial project of the Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech.

civil war websites for elementary students

(Jack) Davis both Professors at Virginia Tech. It is sponsored by two eminent Civil War scholars and authors, Dr. The Essential Civil War Curriculum is a Sesquicentennial project Virginia Center for Civil War Studies at Virginia Tech. This website has been created to offer multiple means by which to explore Julia’s diary as well as instruction contexts for teaching and learning about social life in the Civil War American South. But, the diary is rich in its descriptive detail of the deprivations brought on in the South by the Civil War, and in its descriptions of family and community relationships and social order.

civil war websites for elementary students

Much of the diary is foreboding and at about 9,000 words, Julia does not dwell on any subject long. This brief account of a tumultuous time chronicles the life of Julia and her family in Camden County along the south Georgia coast. Julia Johnson Fisher kept her diary over an eight-month period in 1864. The Days of Julia Johnson Fisher: A Civil War Diary Effects of the War – 1865 & Beyond: Traditional High School Lesson Plan: Students will be able to compare the United States before the war to the United States after the war.

Civil war websites for elementary students